Just do the next right thing.

That's what I've been told, and since the moment I made the decision that I wanted to live a different life, that's what I've done. 

It's a daily exercise. It's a moment by moment decision to not do what I've always done to break the pattern I've always done. Now, I take a moment to take a breath. I take a moment to remember where I am. My feet are on the ground. 

And, today, the daily work paid off. I had a moment to celebrate. A big celebration. As I told one of my girlfriends how my week was, I was feeling frustrated and describing a situation I found myself in. And, instead of doing what I've always done, I broke the pattern. 

I stood in my power and I knew that I was worthy of what I wanted. What felt right in my heart. Someday I will tell you all what it was, but today, I just want to be grateful for the moments that lead me to this celebration. 

Just like you don't go to the gym once and see a change, I took 10-15 each day to be grateful, ask for help, and do what I needed to do to stay centered. I've surrounded myself with wonderful women and have gotten involved in book clubs where we have a common ground and together we grow. 

As I begin sharing my journey and all of the "OOOHHH" moments, the painful moments, and the times I have to look at myself and know it's just me. My higher power, I choose to call God, is also a huge part of my spiritual journey so you'll hear about that a lot. 

Thank you for reading. xo
